Safe Winter Walking

BUSINESS PURPOSE: Quick reference to show safe walking methods in inclement weather.

SOLUTION:  Visually appealing, quick reference job aid infographic designed for download in the Articulate Rise module.

TOOLS: Canva

SOP: The Hiring Process

BUSINESS PURPOSE: Quick reference to show the key steps in the hiring process.

SOLUTION:  Visually appealing, quick reference job aid designed for download in the Articulate Storyline module and utilized in Vyond.

TOOLS: Canva


Wildfire Preparation 

BUSINESS PURPOSE: Damaging wildfires have cost insurance companies billions between 2022-2023. The goal is to arm homeowners with proactive actions that will support the safety of their homes, reducing loss. 

SOLUTION:  View a five-minute video on strategies homeowners can take to reduce the damage or loss due to wildfires.

TOOLS: Camtasia, Canva, Murf AI

SOP: The Hiring Process

BUSINESS PURPOSE: IT Pro Match needs to improve the hiring process, including creating an SOP, to attract high-level candidates. The goal is to build synergy between HR and IT to hire 20% of interviewed candidates.

SOLUTION: This video is nested in an Articulate Storyline module. Learners will recognize the first steps in the hiring process that lead to successful interviews. 

TOOLS: Vyond, Canva, Murf AI

Following a Post

PURPOSE: People often turn to social media groups to grow their network and continue learning. Unfortunately, all too often they are not following social media etiquette and are essentially spamming the post by typing F for following.

SOLUTION: This brief tutorial shows the viewer how to properly follow a Facebook post anonymously, preventing them from making a bad first impression.

TOOLS: Camtasia, Canva, ElevenLabs AI