Continuous Learner | Self-Starter | Problem Solver

🌟 As an instructional designer, I help people learn and improve. I solve problems and maximize potential. That has always been a part of what drives me to succeed. 

💡I need a challenge. I need to be stumped occasionally and shift into a higher gear, driving myself beyond my own limits. As an instructional coach, I had the pleasure of working with adults where I listened, analyzed, designed, and developed engaging training. I was tasked with assessing learning objectives, navigating the move from brick instruction (ILT) to click instruction by modeling best eLearning practices using blended learning, and transforming instructor-led training into vILT. It fueled me.

📈 Working with adults and moving through the impact cycle of identifying a problem, setting measurable objectives, and working together to create change and achieve goals is invigorating. Applying the ADDIE model is central to the process, and I leverage each experience to improve the next training.

👩‍💻 As an instructional designer and solutions developer who creates memorable experiences,  I would love to collaborate with you to produce business solutions.

Aside from my professional life, my husband and I enjoy spending time at baseball fields in Colorado and all across America watching my teenage son play. When we're not sitting beside the field, we enjoy time with our French Bulldog, Louie, who is the boss of our house. He doesn't prefer that we play pickleball or golf; he insists that we spend time throwing the ball or rubbing his belly. We love our life and family, Louie included.


Click on each badge below for more details about the training requirements and achievements.

Click here to view my Resume 
